some questions

Frequently Asked Questions


1.Installed Capacity?

We have a vast and variety of installations from Solar street light, solar geysers (RDP and Residential), P.V Systems and back-up. Over 50 projects to date, October 2021.

2.Customers globally?

We have a small footprint in Rwanda, Uganda , Zambia, Zimbabwe and Swaziland.

3.What payment methods are supported?

At present we only accept EFTs (Electronic Funds Transfers).

4.Will you be able to give a quote, if you give the floor plan?

Yes. We also do calculations with electrical bills and Data Logging to build an accurate picture of the demand framework.

5.Do you give guarantee and after sales service?

Our systems have five to ten years guarantees. All our workmanship are guaranteed for a year, which our qualified electricians sign and issue C.O.Cs (Certificate of Compliance).

6.What are the factors affecting the cost?

Pricing is dependent on the Rand/Dollar Exchange. Covid19 has affected trade and supply with price for some equipment having shot up e.g solar geysers for RDP.